After the initial (partial) disappointment of the very quiet Karawatha Forest, I headed to Berrinba Wetlands, only a few minutes’ drive away, and was stoked to see some great birds from the viewing platform at the lagoon as soon as I walked in. It rained for most of the walk, but I had my umbrella (for my camera more than myself) and was happy wandering around in the rain looking for birds.
There was this Australasian Darter drying its wings (I just love this pose):
It was joined later by a cute turtle friend:
And I love this Little Black Cormorant’s striking blue eyes:
I headed into the forest circuit path and found a lifer, the Noisy Friarbird, with its very fancy friar-like ruff:
And I thought this Torresian Crow looked striking, perched on the transmission tower:
And then I saw I think about 20 Sacred Kingfishers. They were everywhere. And they were just posing so perfectly …
I think this one was waiting for its parents to bring it breakfast.
It’s hard to believe that it was only a few days ago that I was so excited to see my first Sacred Kingfisher. I’ve seen so many now (but I’m still excited every time).
About halfway around my walk, I heard some birds making a racket and was desperately trying to figure out where they were. Eventually I found them—some Dollarbirds, another lifer! I think they were fighting.
And then I felt like I hit the birding jackpot. Berrinba Wetlands has a lot of roosting boxes, so I was dutifully checking each one as I walked past to see if there were any birds home. I was almost at the end of the circuit when I thought I saw something in a roosting box just off the path.
I zoomed my camera in, and …
An Australian Owlet-Nightjar! I was so excited.
And then when I finally made it back to the lagoon lookout, I thought I saw something white riiiight across the lagoon. I was sure it was just a white section of tree or something, but looked anyway and found this stately White-Bellied Sea-Eagle!
Altogether, a wonderful, long, leisurely wander around the wetlands, and a hugely successful birding morning.
- Magpie Goose
- Bar-Shouldered Dove
- Australian Owlet-Nightjar
- Dusky Moorhen
- Australasian Darter
- Little Pied Cormorant
- Little Black Cormorant
- Australian White Ibis
- Plumed Egret
- Australian Pelican
- White-Bellied Sea-Eagle
- Laughing Kookaburra
- Sacred Kingfisher
- Dollarbird
- Red-Backed Fairywren
- Noisy Miner
- Blue-Faced Honeyeater
- Little Friarbird
- Noisy Friarbird
- Pied Butcherbird
- Australian Magpie
- Torresian Crow
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