Category: Bird walks
Early morning quiet: Karawatha Forest (Stretton Recreation Reserve), 12 January 2025
Up early on a Sunday morning, despite the rain: I consider myself a serious birder now. I arrived at Stretton Recreation Reserve, at the south end of Karawatha Forest, just after 5:30 am. Compared to early mornings at Oxley Creek Common and Archerfield Wetlands, I was surprised and wary when I couldn’t see (and could…
A mini bird walk: Oxley Creek Common, 11 January 2025
I had already been birding in the morning on 11 January, but I was feeling cooped up at home and was keen to get back to Oxley Creek Common to explore some more. I headed out for a quick bird walk. The light was fading and I didn’t see a whole lot of birds, but…
I’m officially obsessed: Brisbane City Botanic Gardens, 8 January 2025
Working in the office 2 days after getting my new camera meant a pre-work trip to the Brisbane City Botanic Gardens. I attempted to spot birds but only found a few, including these Dusky Moorhens: And, not a bird, but I loved that this water dragon had picked up an algae coat: I tried out…
My new camera! Oxley Creek Common, 7 January 2025
I bought my new camera (a Nikon P950) on Monday afternoon, so of course at 5:30 on Tuesday morning I was out at Oxley Creek Common, ready to capture some masterpieces. The very first thing I was desperate to do was to take a photo of the birds I had seen at the same spot…